My Profile — I Am a Possibilist
An UnLikely Journey
This is a true story.
From being homeless as a child to being a Possibilist with 27 companies that I’ve started, purchased, or taken over. From supporting my family with food from beat-up old galvanized trash cans behind a well-known San Diego Italian restaurant to the CEO of a billion-dollar (in premium) insurance company founded in 1999.
I’ve had companies in the advertising, overhead-lifting, printing, consulting, healthcare, oil, insurance, steel, and the manufacturing business.
Completing four years of college from age 23 to 25 while working 70 hours a week as the head of a company, supporting my wife, son, father, mother, and sister-in-law.
A few of the firsts I’ve had in business include the steering mechanism for the lunar rover, a down-hole progressive cavity pump for oil, printed products for the oil industry, insurance for seniors in India, the import and export of anchor chain, the first healthcare PPO in central California, and the first Chiropractic HMO in the United States.
I’ve traveled the world over in my capacity as the CEO and President of an international oil field service company, and as the CEO of an international not-for-profit in fifty-five countries.
I’ve been privileged to be invited by Kings, Queens, Prime Ministers, and other heads-of-state, leaders of Fortune 100 companies, banking, and housing (in the U.S.) to consult or attend private meetings for specific purposes.
The father of six from fifty-three down to forty, but raised eight counting my younger brother and sister. My first marriage was for twenty-six years. I’m married to the love of my life, Margaret. I saw her for the first time in a dream when I was five years old. We’ve been married for twenty-seven years.
Moved seventeen times in the first three years of my first marriage. Moved once in the last twenty-seven years.
Starting out as a homeless kid, it was highly UnLikely that I would ever be successful by any standard.
As a true Possibilist, I believe that opportunities exist for individuals and companies that are typically not seen by others.
My purpose here is to motivate and inspire.
This information and stories from my life are shared in my new book UnLikely.
It’s available as a book on Amazon and on as an ePublication.
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