Member-only story
So, You’re Telling Everyone You’re Going To Make A Difference
Do you have a plan?
OMGosh, we all do that. We all say we will make a difference and think we mean it.
For years a friend of mine told everyone that would listen that she would play the piano. Life, family, business, and spiritual goals got in the way. Then, a couple of years ago, between Christmas and New Year, she was thinking of this and another goal. Suddenly, she realized she “wouldn’t do anything to learn the piano.” She had come to accept that she wouldn’t take the time to learn. She wouldn’t change anything to make room for piano lessons. Her priorities had changed. She wanted different things now.
The reality of making changes.
When we talk about making changes, most think of people like Dr. King, Jimmy Carter, or others we admire. What if we looked for small ways to change our lives first? Do you remember this:
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” — Ghandi
What if you arrived fifteen minutes early? Would that change be helpful? Of course, it would if people could count on you (another change?). Two minor changes would make a difference in your world and with your friends.
Pick someone out in a restaurant and pay their bill. Pay it forward. Make a small change directly in someone else’s life.
As you can see, the slightest change can make a substantial difference.
Here’s one more way to make a difference—volunteer for something. Work for FREE if you have to. The difference in you will be amazing.