But does it have to be that way in 2022?
I’m seventy-five and I’ve had twenty-seven companies. Some were small, some were losers. A few were major winners, one even went from zero to beyond the billion dollar mark in twenty months, and one was in fifty-five countries providing not-for-profit services to the underserved.
Here’s the problem
We all, my self included, think that what we’re doing is so important that it must immediately be done. We think it should come before Morgan’s birthday, your anniversary, your daughter’s first date or a planned family outing. All of these don’t seem nearly as important as:
- The opportunity to secure a new account
- The chance to let a client know that you’re there for them, no matter what
- The trip that must be taken now because you MUST keep the momentum going
- The dinner with a client and his wife, without your significant other
- The order that must go out no matter what
- The brief that has to be filed no later than tomorrow
This list could go on and on. After being in business for more than fifty years, I can tell you first hand that there is no end to the list of things we think are more important than . . .
But It’s Critically Important
They say hindsight is 20/20. Sometimes it’s far less. It must not always be or we wouldn’t repeat the same mistakes of the past. Excuses such as, “I’m sorry Bobby, there will be other big games.” Or, “Honey, we love each other, we have lots of anniversaries in front of us. Remember, these sacrifices are for our family.”
The sad truth is that the excuses are true. However, the unintended consequence that we don’t see, is the emotional impact on those we love and the employees that are the company.
Now, fully retired, I’m trying to make up for lost time, lost opportunities with a wife I adore, six children, and fifteen grandchildren. They tell me I’m a much better grandfather than I ever was a young husband and father.
Without even realizing it, I planned to fail them. I didn’t want to see a ball game, watch a recital, or go camping because, I would miss something. I didn’t delegate because honestly, I was having to much fun at business to let my family get in my way.
Wheather our mistakes were small, large, or serial, time is the one thing you can’t get back or get more of.
At this age, I don’t have regrets because I’m able to write this cautionary piece and enjoy life with the love of my life for the past (almost) twenty-eight years. No, I’m writing this essay because I hope to convince at least one person that time with those you love is the most important time you can spend.
As we enter this new year (2022), make a commitment to yourself, to plan so that you will succeed with those you love and whatever business you’re in.
Happy New Year!!!